Water Ordinance

Save Water in The Yard This Summer

Polson Embraces Water Conservation Measures for a Sustainable Future 

In a proactive move to preserve the pristine environment and ensure the longevity of its water resources, the town of Polson has announced new watering regulations. Polson fosters a culture of responsible water usage; these measures encourage residents to adopt mindful practices in their daily routines. 

Effective June 10th to September 30th each year, residents with odd-numbered addresses can water their properties on odd calendar days, while those with even-numbered addresses are scheduled on even calendar days. This schedule, coupled with a daily maximum of three hours per property, aims to optimize water usage and minimize waste. Automatic sprinkling systems are permitted to operate from 12 AM to 6 AM, subject to the same odd/even restrictions and time limits. 

Polson City Manager, Ed Meece, emphasized the importance of these regulations, stating, "While Polson is not facing a water shortage, it's crucial that we take proactive steps to conserve our precious resources. By adhering to these guidelines, we can collectively reduce water waste and ensure the sustainability of our community for future generations."